Think and Grow Raw: Manifesting Health
I thought myself into raw. For me, it was my first big experiment in ‘manifesting’.
I started identifying myself as raw long before I really was. You might think, “Wow, that was bold! What a fake!”. But let me tell you… it wasn’t really. I wanted it so badly. And I was ready for it. I figured that if I told people, it would encourage me to further solidify what I claimed to be – if only out of sheer pride and mortification of embarrassment. And it did, too.
They say that you dress for the job you want, not the job you have. And if you can imagine something really, really well, it can be yours. This method followed all those precepts and a few more. It was my own version of ‘manifesting’ and I practiced it with all sincerity.
Be Who You Want to Be
My son, Chance, used to play dress up all the time when he was little . Our Bed and Breakfast guests were constantly “visited upon” by various personages, both alive and dead, real and imaginary. Chance would dress up like Leonardo Da Vinci and sit on a patch of lawn sketching flying machines and fantastic inventions; we went to a pop art exhibit at New York’s Metropolitan Museum with him as the spitting small image of Andy Warhol (someone actually recognized him and yelled out, “Hey, Andy!”); he wore a straw hat and bandaged his ear to do plein air paintings a la Van Gogh. He wanted to be an artist and way out there on that creative limb, he willed himself into one.
Through imagination and study and practice and even getting the wardrobes down, he was willing himself into his own dreams. No kidding: he was an honest-to-God font of information by the time he was nine. This is the beginning of becoming. People have been going on about “The Secret” and “The Laws of Attraction” but that little boy had it down! So much so that he ended up becoming an actor as well!
A Dream Is Just the Beginning
Many think a dream is all it takes. Or prayer. But faith is only part of the battle. Faith without action is unrealistic: essentially it boils down to waiting for a miracle. You can’t just throw a seed on the ground and expect something to happen. If it is not nurtured then, only through coincidence and luck, would it ever take root and grow.
It’s rare that anything falls from the sky. Although once I was sitting in my backyard, sunbathing – minding my own business – and when I sat up a crab flew over my next door neighbors wall, hit me right in the middle of my forehead and exploded all over me. I was appalled and shaken and retreated inside immediately. But my sister very accurately pointed out that it was not likely that I would ever again in my entire life, be hit in the head by a flying crab. This really was all about coincidence – that I happened to be in the proximity of crabs being thrown – and (bad) luck… especially for the poor crab.
But I digress…
Be Positive…
Each of us must accept that we are, individually, 100% responsible for ourselves. And the sooner we can accept this, the sooner we can move forward. We alone are in charge of our own personal destiny; the seeds of success or failure are those we plant in our own minds. That’s why “keeping your eye on the prize” and not on the countless reasons you can come up with for why you’ll never get it, is essential to manifesting anything. The emotion that propels an idea is the vibration through which the thought is manifested. So if your desires are backed up by fear and negativity you are not exactly cultivating an environment in which success, joy and positivity can grow.
Manifesting Magic
Your own thoughts and the emotion attached to them are at the forefront of your destiny; they are the captain of the boat. They determine whether you make it to your destination or hit a rock fresh out of the harbor. Manifesting definitely begins with a thought and a feeling. And then there’s action.
I know, it all sounds easier said than done. But, actually, it’s just like the . simple act of smiling. Even if we sometimes smile without really meaning it, we can actually end up feeling happier by doing so. Likewise, it is completely possible to replace negative thoughts with positive ones and negative actions with ones that’ll benefit us. Positive things happen when we distance ourselves from the negative. That doesn’t mean that any of your problems or worries have disappeared, just that you are not obsessing about them. And that really is the first step. Put your energy toward what you really want. Believe it can happen.
Remember Peter Pan? Even pixie dust didn’t work by itself. You had to “Think of a wonderful thought!” to be able to fly.
That’s where the real magic starts.