Lime Corn Chips
With all the corn being harvested all over the place around now, it seemed like the perfect time to make corn chips. Frankly, it’s hard to make enough of them. Raw corn chips, done right, taste so much more ‘corny’ than the kind you might have once bought at the grocery store that, no matter how natural they may have been, always seemed to have a bunch of other ingredients filling in where corn is supposed to be. Frito-lay just isn’t even in the same arena as these.
And just think of all the decadent snacks that can evolve out of just a handful of chips. Soak and sprout some beans and you can even have a raw version of frito pie!
I don’t think there’s anyone out there that doesn’t think of a party when chips come to mind. The first time I ever had raw corn chips was before I was even raw myself. That was at a party on my farm to introduce my future partner’s raw food classes to the public. Little did I know what that would lead to. A whole new world.
You could say it was the beginning of my transformation. Never mind the public: that was my introduction to the raw vegan world. Because, honestly, I was clueless. Corn chips were part of what made me think : This is good, I can do this. Once I got it into my head that the raw vegan diet was not nearly as prohibitive as it seemed on the surface, I could really wrap my head around it. And a big part of that was just seeing that there were all these things you could make. Life wasn’t just about bowls of salad and mountains of fruit. There were corn chips, too. And chocolate. What’s not to like?
However, I must say that. over time, mountains of fruit have become fine with me, too. It’s really amazing how that happens… how, slowly but surely, your taste buds completely evolve. And the more good stuff you put into your body, the more you crave it.
But let’s face it: it’s certainly great to have options. Especially if all of them are so good and so good for you.
12 large ears sweet corn, kernels scraped off
juice of one lime
zest of two limes
1 teaspoon salt
First, put corn kernels,lime juice, lime zest and salt together in a food processor and process until smooth.
Carefully spread fairly thin, over Teflex- lined dehydrator sheet. Dehydrate at 115 degrees Fahrenheit for 12 hours or overnight.
Flip over onto mesh dehydrator sheet when firm enough on one side and dehydrate approximately 4 -8 hours more until crunchy.
Serve with guacamole, salsa or your favorite dip.