raw vegan apple pear cardamom pie
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Apple Pear Cardamom Tart

What is it about winter nights by the fire that always gets me yearning for something comforting and warm like apple pie with cinnamon? And maybe a dollop of whipped cream? When I mentioned this at home one evening, everyone got really excited – as they generally do whenever I bring up the prospect of making something sweet. I only wish I’d get such an enthusiastic response to making a new salad! Instead of plain old apple pie, however, I remembered something I created years ago for an especially large Thanksgiving celebration: an Apple Pear Cardamom Tart. That tart lasted all of 5 minutes…I kid you not.

Of course, that one was cooked. But I felt pretty confident that I’d have no problem making a raw Apple Pear Cardamom Tart. It seemed like a good idea. And, as Marilyn Monroe once said,”Haven’t you noticed that “What the Hell” is usually the right answer?” The kids all seemed to agree with this and I started on my mad way with not much of a real plan in place.

I mean, it’s fruit and crust and some spices, right? How hard could it be?

Apple Pear Cardomom Quandaries

The whole thing was pretty straightforward, it would seem. But there were snags for sure. I had no idea how many apples and pears I would really need. As it was, two more than I used in the recipe wouldn’t even have been a bad thing. If I hadn’t already felt like some kind of wastrel trying to recruit more apples from my friends and family living on property, I might have tried my luck with the neighbors. All our apples that I had purchased just the day before, were already gone. In this house that old saying, “Here today, gone tomorrow,” really does apply. Four kids means fruit never has to worry about its shelf life.

The issue really was about the volume lost in the apples and pears through dehydrating. It’s not extreme but it’s enough. So when you’re layering the apples keep that in mind and remember that in this case, less is not more – it’s less. More is more. Go with more.

Except for the agave nectar. Go with less. We don’t want the sweetness to overpower the fruit!

I made some cashew whipped cream as a topping for this and that was so delicious I could have eaten it straight out of the bowl like pudding… but I exercised some restraint and only had a few spoonfuls. Okay – maybe more than a few. It hardly matters since there was still plenty left for everyone to pig out on! Later, in bed, after the pie and cream had been demolished, I started thinking that I might make this again with the cashew cream under the pears and apples as a kind of custard. Just because I just know it would taste incredible.

RAW VEGAN RECIPE: Apple Pear Cardamom Tart

1 3/4 cups walnuts, soaked 4 hours

1/4 cup brazil nuts, soaked 4 hours

3/4 cup agave nectar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

pinch pink himalayan salt

To Prepare Crust:

Rinse and drain soaked nuts and put in food processor with half cup of agave nectar, cinnamon and salt. Process until a dough forms. If dough is not holding together enough add agave nectar in small amounts till it does. Do NOT add it all at once.

Remove dough from food processor. Spread and press into a 8 inch tart or pie pan. Dehydrate at 115 degrees Fahrenheit for 6 – 8 hours.

Apple Pear Cardamom Filling:

3 apples, sliced very thin

3 pears, sliced very thin

2/3 cup agave nectar

1/2 Tablespoon cinnamon

1 Tablespoon cardamon

Put all ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix together until apples and pears are well coated.

Layer apples and pears on dehydrated crust. Pour a little extra syrup over completed pie.

Dehydrate for 4-6 hours. Serve with cashew whipped cream or nice cream!

Lemon Cashew Whipped Cream:

1 1/3 cup raw cashews soaked 3-4 hours

1/2 cup water

2 tablespoons raw agave nectar

zest of 1 lemon

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

pinch of pink Himalayan salt

Drain and rinse cashews.

Put nuts and all other ingredients into a Vitamix or high speed blender and process till smooth. Refrigerate to thicken until ready to serve.