Cranberry Vinegar Brussel Sprouts
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“Braised” Brussel Sprouts with Cranberry Vinegar

I know, I know, a lot of you are not fans of brussel sprouts. Well around here they are a popular side dish that are scoffed up in moments. Like with everything we make around here, most of our dishes come from cravings. While out shopping I saw the balsamic brussel sprouts sitting in the deli counter and I was hungry. I figured a little cheat wouldn’t hurt, but as I stood in line to order, I noticed how wilted they looked. The lone cranberry sitting on top was dark and barely recognizable. The food looked sad to me, even the color started to look a bit unappetizing and I got off the line.

I was still hungry and craving brussel sprouts, so I crammed some grapes in my mouth and gathered up the ingredients I needed to make my own. Originally I planned on using black grapes, but I ate them all on the long drive home. We live miles from town so I opted for the cranberries that I was going to toss in anyway and see what it tasted like.

Of course you can forgo the dehydrator altogether. I used it to make the brussel sprouts tender and to concentrate the flavor of the vinegar, but it’s completely unnecessary if you don’t have one. I’ve had it both ways and I personally like the brussel sprouts a little softer, but it was just as delicious simply sliced and served.

RAW VEGAN RECIPE: “Braised” Brussel Sprouts with Cranberry Vinegar

1 bag fresh brussel sprouts

1/8 cup olive oil

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

1/2 cup dried cranberries

1/4 cup pine nuts

2-3 scallions sliced

pinch of salt & pepper

Soak cranberries in vinegar and place in dehydrator at 115 degrees for 2 hours or soak covered overnight.

Wash and cut brussel sprouts into quarters. Toss them in olive oil, salt and pepper. Place in a heat resistant bowl in dehydrator at 115 degrees for one hour, toss and dehydrate for another hour.

Take cranberries and pulse them so that they are still chunky. Toss as much as you desire with your brussel sprouts. I don’t like a ton of dressing on my food, so I would suggest you add it to taste. Sprinkle with scallions and enjoy.