• Healthy Raw,  Raw vegan,  Starting A Raw Diet,  Vegan

    Vitamin B12: The Missing Link in the Vegan Diet?

    Vitamin B12 always seems to sneak into  conversations about the viability of a raw vegan diet. Produced by bacteria that live in the digestive tracts of livestock, Vitamin B12 is  present in the muscle meats of these animals. So it would seem that meat eaters reap the benefits.  But the fact is that plants have vitamin B12 too – or shall I say, organic and wild plants do. Whether we’re getting it or not, is a different story. It’s All About the Soil… Many take it for granted that simply eating raw fruits and vegetables means you have a healthy diet. And it certainly might present a better option than…

  • plant based diet is best for us
    Going raw,  Healthy Raw,  Raw Food Diet,  Raw Till 4

    Why A Plant Based Diet?

    There’s a lot of arguing that goes on about whether man was designed for a plant based diet or is essentially an omnivore. To add to that pot, I recently heard a new one on a Ted Talks: man is a ‘coctivore’ – the species that cooks. It makes me laugh at times. Because whatever he (or she) is or was, let’s face it: man has proven that he will eat pretty much anything. Are We Made For Meat-Eating? We can look at the basics, though. It took a hell of a lot for man’s jaw to even evolve to the point where meat-eating became easier. There was one indisputable ingredient involved…