Easy Raw Carrot Ginger Soup
We kind of take the carrot for granted but it is really the most wonderful vegetable: it can reward you with beautiful skin, better vision and oral health, improved digestion and heightened cardiovascular function. Plus it’s the ultimate immune booster! And I’ve got to admit that carrots are definitely tastier in their raw state. I have a very distinct memory of my mom serving carrots as a consistent side-dish in my youth and they were always soft enough to mush and relatively tasteless and somehow always unappealing. Once upon a time carrots were definitely one of the ‘red-headed-stepchildren of the vegetable world, coming into a close tie with peas and brussels sprouts. They actually made a product called ‘I Hate Carrots’ in which carrots were somehow encased in french fries just to get kids to eat them. How they accomplished this I have no idea but I will tell you: it didn’t work! The whole thing was revolting. It’s hard to believe that people would go to such lengths to disguise the carrot; raw carrots are like candy! Wow, have times ever changed!
The spices in this carrot soup give it a warming kick – perfect for taking on frigid temperatures and it can easily heated to the brink of steaming on your stove-top too. Adjust the temperature depending on the weather and you’ve got a perfect soup no matter what time of year it is. Also remember: you don’t have to restrict yourself to orange carrots: there are purple, yellow, red and white ones out there too and it’s especially fun to serve a purple or red carrot soup!
3 cups carrot juice
1 small ripe avocado
½ cup coconut meat from young Thai coconut
¼ cup lime juice
2 Tablespoons raw honey
1 Tablespoon minced ginger
¼ teaspoon cayenne
¼ teaspoon sea salt
minced cilantro for garnish
Juice carrots. Mix all ingredients (except cilantro garnish) together and puree in blender. Pour into bowls and sprinkle with cilantro. Serves 1-2.