Great Sex Through Great Food
Great sex is something we all long for and consistently look to someone else to ‘give it to us’. I mean, let’s not deny it: most often all we hear from each other are the complaints about our lovers and what they’re not doing and all the stuff that could make them better. But what can we do to make it all better for ourselves?
How Can We Gift Ourselves With Great Sex?
Now, I love sex. And not really for any of the obvious reasons: the aspect of release, the intimacy… any of those things. I just think it’s fun! I’ve had many friends bitch about how their significant other woke them up in the middle of the night to get some. What’s so awful about that? So you’re tired; one good orgasm and you’ll be back to sleep in no time.
It’d be a lot worse if no one were interested at all. And there are plenty of those: 20% of the people out there that are hitting the sack without even attempting the most minor of frolics. That’s just sad. Face it: the first step to having great sex is just having sex at all!
Low libido is attributed to stress, exhaustion, hormone imbalance and psychological trauma as well as a slew of other minor players. Yes, we live in a stressful world where everyone is trying to ‘beat the clock’ and there are never ‘enough hours in a day’ – but if we can’t even cater to our own basic human needs there’ s something wrong. And a lot of it boils right down to diet and even more so to water. Diets high in meat, grains and dairy are just not doing the trick but a diet high in raw foods?
Now we are getting somewhere.
Raw For Sex…
Eating raw can be a real shot in the arm when it comes to resolving low libido; it acts as a cleanser and detoxifier for the body, allowing toxins to be flushed out and thus putting the body’s chemistry right back in sync. The larger part of this has specifically to do with the high water content that is inherent in a raw diet. We humans are a watery lot -up to 60% of a human adult body is comprised of water – and the more water we put into ourselves, the more our body rewards us with maximum performance. It’s what keeps us energetic and juicy. Our cells depend on water; more water breeds healthier cells that can transport oxygen through the brain and body to power up your physical and mental energy.
Dehydration is the enemy of the sexy.
Without enough water the body has to relieve stress hormones and that throws off the sexual hormones like testosterone. All of a sudden we’re not feeling so sexy anymore. We’re turning over and going to sleep. Now, maybe we’re having great sex in our dreams – but nothing’s going on in our bed, for sure.
Get Juicy…
Raw fruits and vegetables act as natural lubricants because their water content is so high. We would have to drink gallons to achieve maximum hydration but the volume of produce in a high raw diet makes it a snap. And it gives us the added benefit of boosting our vitality through vitamin content as well as making us a lot more slippery. Miraculously, we have spit to spare; women’s bodies aren’t reliant on lube to ease friction and men are virtual fonts of semen… and it all tastes milder and better too. Including sweat which, somehow, isn’t quite as ‘sweaty’. All those concerns about body odor become a whole lot less to worry about. You are now an ambrosial vessel.
Get Hydrated…
The main ingredient in your tendons is water. It’s also primary to the synovial fluid that lubricates our joints. Suffice it to say that high water intake is essential to keeping you at your bendy-est. And we all know that enhanced flexibility isn’t just great for yoga. Imagine what you can accomplish in the bedroom!
Increased blood flow is encouraged through water intake. That means better erections for men and increased sensitivity for women, never mind the fact that it is going to allow you to go on for so much longer with less recovery time. We are approaching the realm of sexual superstardom! And getting there is just about eating your fruits and veggies. No batteries required!
Last, but not least, a well hydrated body is a beautiful body with smooth, clear skin, soft lips, and more lustrous hair and nails. And there’s no doubt that when we look and feel better our confidence levels soar. Certainly, confidence is the ultimate aphrodisiac. That’s what allows us to play, ‘let our hair down’ and have a really good time! That’s what allows for great sex.
Get Happy…
So, now that we’ve got all that water going for us, we throw in the raw food extras. Like all that Vitamin C helping with collagen metabolism, making our skin all supple and elastic. And those beneficial fats like coconut, avocado, durian and olives throwing on a whole other layer of body-wide lubrication. Yet best of all is the fact that eating fruits and vegetables increases serotonin levels in the body and makes you happy.
Happier people definitely have more sex.
They’re not the one’s with the headaches. And they’re not as stressed. “I’m too tired”, is not a part of their vocabulary.
They actually “feel like it”.
And a whole lot of other things besides.
That’s sexy all by itself.