Carrots and Onions and Peppers, Oh My! Salad
No Dehydrator,  Raw food recipes,  Raw Vegan Lunch,  Salads

Carrots and Onions and Peppers, Oh My! Salad

I’ve learned that my absolute favorite part of eating raw is not having to cook. I have a deep dislike for the time that cooking takes. Besides the heat of the oven, there’s the absurd amount of times I’ve burned myself with bacon grease. And the red-hot burner of the oven has done me no favors. I have the scars on my hands to prove it! But I love to chop vegetables and to garnish food. The raw lifestyle has essentially created the ideal food prep environment for me: everything I like to do, with no hot stoves. This salad is no exception. Plus, it was a wonderful symphony of carrots, peppers, cucumbers, and onions. It’s a colorful rainbow of deliciousness!

Every one of us has seen the social media “eat by color” posters that pop up every few weeks to remind us to eat healthy. They talk about how red food is good for our heart and green detoxifies the body, but in the form of a meme, we can often forget that the information being presented to us is, in fact, entirely accurate. For the most part. 

Let’s color code health!

In this color-packed recipe, we see almost the full power of the rainbow, and the multicolored carrots alone contain a multitude of healthy enzymes in their colorful packages. Orange and purple carrots both contain alpha and beta carotene which support the production of vitamin A and helps to improve and maintain ocular health. In addition, purple carrots boast anti-inflammatory properties, protect against heart disease, and support a healthy immune system. Meanwhile, yellow carrots also help the eyes by lowering the likeliness of age-related eye disease like cataracts and macular degeneration due to a phytonutrient called lutein.

Apart from the carrots, red bell peppers are rich in magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and antioxidants. They, too, support healthy eyesight, and more specifically, night vision. Meanwhile, cucumber promotes hydration and aids in weight loss. However, it is the red onion that might claim the most impressive health benefits. In addition to being chocked full of vitamins, the red onion is like a rocket booster for the immune system. They have even linked the daily consumption of red onions to a 50% reduced risk of stomach cancer. Now honestly, between the great eyesight, hydration, multitude of vitamins, and the reduced risk of cancer, this salad is like some sort of superhero. Super Salad to the rescue!

RAW VEGAN RECIPE: Carrots and Onions and Peppers, Oh My! Salad

4 large carrots, grated

3 medium cucumbers, julienned

4 red peppers, julienned

1 large red onion, thinly sliced

4 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

7 tsp. raw apple cider vinegar

¼ tsp. cayenne pepper

1 ½ tsp Himalayan pink sea salt

1 Tbsp. dried dill

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl. Enjoy chilled or room temperature.