Jicama Crunch ‘French Fries’
My boyfriend’s a bit of a spice fiend and, as a great cook himself, his credo has always been,”More spice, more sauce!”. No matter what I make, I’m waiting for those words that will announce the final decree, “Not spicy enough!” Followed by the children inevitably chiming in like the Von Trapp family in complete agreement and unusual harmony. I think he bribes them to do this but, no matter… When it comes to the jicama fries everyone is in agreement. No more spice is needed. It’s perfect.
I didn’t think it needed sauce either-until Melissa said she ate it with some spicy ketchup and it was great! Well, of course that brings us full circle to , ‘More Spice, More Sauce’ and a clamor for raw ketchup that just makes me want to punch someone.
I like my jicama fries simple. Not messy. Just a big bowlful to crunch on.
You could finish a whole bowl yourself without a lick of guilt. I should stress that you can do this. I myself, have never been able to get through a whole bowl of anything in this house without little hands seemingly appearing from nowhere to snatch the food right out from under my nose. These jicama fries are no exception: turn my back for a minute and I’m coming back to paprika smears on an empty bowl. Not to mention the angelic faces that have no idea what happened to my food. If this bunch worked for the mafia no one would ever get anything out of them. They have completely perfected the art of the innocent, blank stare.
So I always keep a little portion stashed aside, way back in the fridge just in case. Because I’ve got to eat too.
And they might be simple but they’re really so good.
RAW VEGAN RECIPE: Jicama Crunch ‘French Fries’
1 jicama root, peeled and sliced into french fry proportions
2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 Tbsp paprika
1 Tspn. onion powder
finely ground Himalyan sea salt, to taste
In a metal bowl, toss the sliced jicama with olive oile to coat lightly but thoroughly.
Sprinkle with remaining ingedients and toss to coat well. The jicama will take on the appearance of seasoned french fries. That’s it! Enjoy!