Jalapeno Cheese Stuffed Poppers with ‘Bacon’
Healthy raw vegan snacks and treats don’t have to be boring. And there’s no reason why you can’t adapt all your favorites. Sure, there are things that just seem impossible, but I’m here to tell you, that’s not true. Every recipe can be adapted. Sure, it might not be exactly the same, but sometimes it’s more about flavor profiles that an exact replica. Take these jalapeno poppers, for instance.
Usually breaded, fried and full of animal products, our jalapeno poppers are the beyond healthy alternative to the calorie laden variety we’re used to. I guarantee you won’t miss the old poppers with these yummy little treats.
For anyone that worries about the heat index on jalapenos: they vary. Some are sweet, almost like a green bell pepper and some are ridiculously hot. Unfortunately there is no way to tell one from another. Dehydrating the peppers first helps bring out the flavor and mellows the heat. The addition of the cheese and bacon adds a creamy and sweet marriage of flavors to delight your taste buds.
I was craving jalapeno poppers, which is my motivation for just about everything I make. But there were a lot of steps that may seem intimidating, but they’re actually easy. I had to make the cheese first, then I made the bacon. I don’t regret a minute of it because doing all three steps still took less time than cooking most non-raw/vegan appetizers.
Make a lot of these! They keep for a few days in the fridge but you probably won’t have them that long. Marie and I polished them off in one sitting – and she doesn’t even like cheese!
RAW VEGAN RECIPE: Jalapeno Cheese Stuffed Poppers With Coconut Bacon
6 large jalapenos seeded and sliced lengthwise
Dehydrate jalapenos for one hour at 118 degrees or until slightly wilted, Stuff with cheese and top with bacon.
*as with all hot peppers, please be careful handling them and wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face and other delicate areas.