Blueberry Peach Cobbler
This recipe did not start out as a cobbler, it started out as a mini pie. I didn’t have the right pan, so I had to adapt it. As I contemplated the flavor profiles, I thought I would make the first attempt simple. I started out thinking blueberry. The local farmer’s market had blueberries, but when I first walked in, the fabulous aroma of peach hit me like a brick.
Choosing the right fruit makes all the difference in the world. Blueberries should be almost hard and give off a mild scent. Choose a peach with a more reddish color than yellow. The closer the red is to the stem, the sweeter the fruit will be. It should be firm, with a slight give to the touch and smell like heaven on earth.
I could have made this crazy simple, just slice the peaches and toss them together with the blueberries. But there is still simplicity in this recipe. Heating the fruit in the dehydrator enhances it’s natural sweetness, making the fruit tender and surprisingly juicy.
RAW VEGAN RECIPE: Blueberry Peach Cobbler
1 cup whole blueberries
1 large peach, sliced
2 separate tblsp of sugar (1 tblsp for each bowl of fruit)
filtered water
Pecan crumble
In separate heat resistant bowls, place the blueberries in one and the sliced peach in the other. Sprinkle sugar over the fruit and toss. Add enough water to cover the fruit and place both bowls in the dehydrator at 115 degrees for 10-12 hours. Stir fruit occasionally. If you want your fruit to be more syrupy, add an 1/8 cup raw sugar before placing in the dehydrator. Place pecan crumble on top.
Pecan Crumble
1 cup pecans (1/2 cup pulverized the other 1/2 cup pulsed into tiny, chunky bits)
3 pitted dates soaked in water overnight.
Mix all ingredients together well and spread out on dehydrator sheet not too thin but not too thick. Place in dehydrator with fruit, it should be ready around the same time. Crumble will be soft, but you can make it crisper by leaving it in at 115 degrees for 24 hours.