Nuts and Seeds Morning Muesli
Until you really get the hang of it, the winter months can be challenging for the raw foodist – even if you’re just raw till 4. Sometimes a refreshing juice in the morning just isn’t cutting it. It’s completely normal to crave heavier foods as insulation against the cold. That’s when we have to turn to heartier fare to banish the winter doldrums. Enter our friends the nuts and seeds to give a little heft to our diet and keep us feeling pleasantly full and imminently satiated. That’s where this wonderful muesli makes its welcome appearance.
Muesli is one of my favorite ways to start the day when it’s blustery outside. I usually put the nuts and seeds to soaking the night before so everything is ready for a quick mix at breakfast. It is a very easy recipe. And, muesli can last up to three days in the fridge so double this recipe and stock up! This was a much beloved recipe that we served at our café and always received rave reviews. It’s great in warmer weather too when you just need something a little extra and the addition of fresh seasonal berries puts the whole thing over the top! I happen to like some real maple syrup drizzled over it as well… somehow it goes so well with the nuts, seeds and slight hint of vanilla.
½ cup raw almonds, soaked
½ cup raw pecans, soaked
½ cup sunflower seeds, soaked
½ cup pumpkin seeds, soaked
½ cup dried cherries or cranberries, coarsely chopped
Dash of Himalayan or Celtic sea salt
½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
Fresh fruit
Almond milk
Place the soaked almonds and pecans in a food processor fitted with an S blade and process until coarsely chopped. Transfer to bowl and mix in remaining ingredients, tossing thoroughly. You have muesli!
Serve muesli with fresh fruit and almond milk.