Blood Orange Marzipan Chocolates
Dehydrator recipes,  Raw food recipes,  Raw Vegan Desserts,  Raw Vegan Recipes,  Raw Vegan Snacks

Blood Orange Cordials

I want to start by saying these are one of the most delicious candies I’ve ever had. The tartness of blood orange oozes from the sweet almond marzipan, covered in a deep, dark chocolate shell. I think this is my new favorite raw-vegan dessert, but…I will never make these damn things again!

Okay, that’s not fair, I will make them again. What I won’t do again is give a damn what they look like. Trying to make raw chocolate stick to something is an exercise in insanity. Your choice is either a loose chocolate sauce that will never set, or a seized ball that can only be described as a lump o’ chocolate. I felt like Lucille Ball rolling those balls of nougat in the wet chocolate with equal vigor to an even worse disaster.

When I make this again I’m going to make it like a fondue and just dip the stupid candy into the chocolate with my fingers, just like Lucy. I have no shame over this. My goal was to make it look like professional candy, but I was just kidding myself. As soon as the pic was done, I made quick work of them and then went and licked the blood orange syrup bowl…because I’m an adult, and I can.

RAW VEGAN RECIPE: Blood Orange Cordials

Blood Orange Syrup

2 juiced blood oranges

1/4 tsp blood orange zest

2 tblsp pulverized raw sugar

Mix ingredients together in an oven safe bowl and place in the dehydrator at 115 degrees. Let stand in the dehydrator for 4 hours, checking and stirring every hour, scraping down the sides. Set aside.


1 1/4 cup almond meal

1/4 cup maple syrup

1 tsp almond extract (optional)

Mix all ingredients together until it forms a dough like consistency. Cover and set aside.


2 tblsp cacao

3 tblsp maple syrup

2 tblsp coconut manna (butter) or 4 tblsp coconut oil

Prepare this last and not until you are ready to dip. I melted the coconut manna in the dehydrator and added it to the cacao and maple syrup. Mix well.


Take the marzipan and roll into small, thick candy sized logs. I used a straw to put a wide hole in the center lengthwise. Using a small funnel or piping bag, or maybe you’re better at this part than I am, pour the blood orange syrup into the center almost to the top, pinch hole closed and carefully roll into a ball. Place into freezer for about a 15-20 mins. As soon as you make the chocolate, take a small spatula and have fun rolling these puppies in the chocolate and icing them the best you can. Place back in the freezer for about 10-15 mins to firm up. Or…eliminate the coconut oil/manna and just dip the marzipan balls into the chocolate sauce and enjoy. I beg you to do the latter or you’ll be cursing me for days, but you won’t regret making them.