Cherry Chocolate Chia Pudding
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Cherry Chocolate Chia Pudding

What could be better than chocolate for breakfast? Offhand, I really can’t think of anything. Especially if it’s a breakfast as power-packed as this cherry chocolate chia pudding. Cacao and chia: its like having two super heroes come to work for you!

As fall makes its inevitable drop upon us, I’ve been getting this incredible urge to substitute my normally high-fruit first meal of the day for something a little more hefty. I’ve made many a chia pudding before but this time it was a little different because I felt genuinely inspired. Not to mention the fact that I was really craving chocolate. It was actually verging on lust.

The fruit was naturally in there too. Fat, juicy cherries pureed and mixed right into the pudding for the most amazing flavor complement you can imagine. I could have gone crazy here and added a dollop of coconut cream but I refrained and instead just went minimalist with cherries on top.

And it was so, so good that I almost immediately wanted to make it again. So good that all the kids wanted it too and were begging me for spoonfulls. I certainly didn’t have the foresight to create chia for six! That’s practically a whole bag!

This is comfort food at its best and healthiest, that the whole family is going to just love. Many times the biggest impediment to keeping on the straight path with your commitment to raw, is the fact that you can’t get your family on board with you. Recipes like this are a trick, in their own way. They make it easy to convert the unconvertable. You have to admit, it would be a real oddball who’d turn up their nose at chocolate.

So put this one in your arsenal of addictive recipes that you can pull out when you need help winning over the minions. You can’t lose.

RAW VEGAN RECIPE: Cherry Chocolate Chia Pudding

5 Tbsp. chia seeds

3/4 cup fresh hazelnut milk

1/4 cup cherries, pureed but a little chunky

2 Tbsp. raw cacao powder

2 Tbsp. raw cacao nibs

1 teaspoon agave nectar

extra cherries for garnish

Combine chia, hazelnut milk, pureed cherries, cacao powder, cacao nibs and agave nectar till all ingredients are well incorporated. Let sit for 20 minutes to thicken or put in the fridge to thicken overnight for a ready made breakfast.

Serve with extra cherries or berries and an extra sprinkle of cacao nibs. Delicious!