Chocolate Lemon Bark with Lavender and Goji
Chocolate makes the world go ‘round. I don’t know about you but for me, chocolate fixes everything. This whole recipe began as an experiment. Raw chocolate is known to have a relatively low melting point due to the high coconut oil content. So, this recipe was more of a search to find the key to a strong raw bark. I think I nailed it!
If ever there was an antioxidant bank, this chocolate would be its currency! But antioxidants are not nearly all this tasty treat has to offer. In addition to cacao being a recognized aphrodisiac due to its ability to increase your body’s serotonin and dopamine production, cacao is also a stimulant. So, it just might be that one thing that helps you get through writing that report that’s due in the morning. I’m eating some right now! Meanwhile, Goji berries are little tiny packets of energy that are rich in Vitamin C just like lemon. We all know that lavender is used to combat insomnia, anxiety, and create a sense of calmness. We’ve seen the lavender scented pillows at the farmer’s markets. But it’s also been proven to increase sexual arousal in post-menopausal women and those currently going through menopause. So really, this is one sexy bar of chocolate!
RAW VEGAN RECIPE: Chocolate Lemon Bark with Lavender and Goji Berries
1 ½ cups raw cacao powder
¾ cup coconut oil
½ cup raw blue agave nectar
Juice of 1 large lemon
Combine the cacao powder, coconut oil, and agave nectar in a bowl and using a fork mix until smooth and well combined.
Juice the lemon being careful to discard the seeds. Slowly pour into thee chocolate mixture, stirring as you go, until all ingredients are well combined.
Line an 8” x 8” baking sheet with parchment paper. Pour the chocolate mixture into the prepared pan and smooth with an offset spatula taking care to keep the chocolate an even thickness throughout.
2 Tbsp. lavender flowers
2 Tbsp. dried Goji berries
½ tsp. pink Himalayan sea salt
Zest of 1 large lemon
Sprinkle the lavender evenly over the top of the wet chocolate mixture. Repeat this process with the Goji berries, salt, and lemon zest.
Cover with tin foil being careful to not touch the surface and place in the freezer to set for 2 hours.
To enjoy, lift the bark from the pan and break into irregular pieces. Store in the freezer.